Steeple Clock

The clock that resides in the steeple of the church was a gift from Miss Sabra J. Carter. In January of 1887, in her 66th year, Miss Carter proposed to give $600.00 to the town "towards the purchase of a town clock" which was to, by her request, be "placed in the tower of the Congregational Church" as the property of the town.

The original clock was purchased from George M. Stevens, working in Boston in the 1880's and 1890's. Stevens manufactured many of these clocks, most of them found in the eastern Massachusetts area.

In 1902, the church and town established an agreement concerning responsibilities toward the care of the clock. The town took on the responsibility to keep the clock in good repair and hire a competent person to keep it wound. It was hand wound until about 1956, when the clock was in such disservice that the town passed an article to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,683.42 for the purchase of a new town clock. The maker of the new clock was the E. Howard Clock Co. of Waltham, Massachusetts, makers of church steeple clocks since the 1850's. This newer clock is electric, requiring no winding. It is not known what happened to the old Stevens clock when the Howard clock was installed. E. Howard discontinued tower clock production in 1963.